Get Involved
There is no shortage of opportunities for members to become more involved in the organization.
Click Here to subscribe to our emails.
We often have plenty of short-term tasks needing completion for the success of our programs and workshops including, but not limited to, things like:
- Hanging posters/distributing flyers
- Helping with set-up and take-down at events
- Providing support at the registration table
- Creating name tags for registrants
Other short-term tasks that aren’t related to our programming include:
- Volunteering to write an article for the next issue of League Lines that recaps one of the speakers featured at a program
- Serving on a subcommittee for a special project or initiative
- Helping out at the LVW table at other events
Beyond these one-off opportunities, you can also get involved more long-term by joining one of the following committees:
- Develop the League’s quarterly programs including the selection of speakers, venue, menu, and other particulars
- Organize the occasional workshop including working with the workshop facilitator/speaker to develop the day-long activities, determine the location, and other specifics
- Facilitate all details of the biennial event, Writers Meet Agents.
- Discuss issues concerning membership and develop plans of action
- Perform membership outreach
- Write press releases for upcoming events
- Design flyers and other visual marketing materials for the promotion of events
- Keep LVW live online via our Facebook and Twitter pages
League Lines:
- Coordinate with the programming committee to determine what information needs to be featured in the newsletter
- Coordinate with the marketing committee to share information regarding upcoming events to be advertised in the newsletter
- Design and layout
- Editing and proofreading
- Distribution
If any of these opportunities interest you or you would like to know more, please contact us.
We are always looking to have more members become involved. Together we can continue to advance the League another 85-years-strong.