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Writers Meet Agents

League of Vermont Writers presented

The IN-PERSON Event: "Writers Meet Agents" on July 27, 2024

At the Delta Hotel in S. Burlington; 1117 Williston Road,South Burlington, VT

It was 175.00 for members; 235.00 non-members; Agent Pitches were 25.00 each.

Writers Meet Agents Schedule of Events

8:30 Hall opens for registration, meet and greet and continental breakfast

9:00 Call to order; welcome remarks by President Caryn Connolly

9:15 Panel Discussion begins:

10:30 Break: Mingle; look at others’ books; agents take places in Pitch Hall, etc.

10:45 Sheree Bykofsky presentation: “Why You Need an Agent: How to Find One, How to Work with One, How to Help Them Work with You, and How to Proceed Without Them.” Taking you from query letters to contracts to many of your other questions,

                Pitch sessions begin

11:45 Break for all – Mingle; buy raffle tickets; buy other members’ books, etc.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Rita Rosenkranz presentation: “How to Write an Irresistible Non-fiction Book Proposal” What are the key components that define a winning book proposal? What research should an author do to help make sure the project has merit? How can an author leapfrog over the competition in the category? In this especially competitive climate, authors need to be savvy to manage the marketplace.

                Pitch sessions resume

2:00 Katharine Sands presentation: "MasterPitch Theatre" Your pitch is a performance, whether you deliver it in person or on the printed page. Katharine Sands shows you how to hone the pitch, including how to boil down your entire book into 1-2 paragraphs; how to understand the differences between pitching fiction/memoir (where the story is key) vs. pitching nonfiction; how to avoid vagueness that will sink your submission. You'll learn how to avoid "Querial Killers," and so much more, on the way to making sure your pitch entices an agent/editor to request your full manuscript!

                Pitch sessions continue

3:00 Break for all

3:15 Jennifer Wilkov presentation: "Marketing Success." In this presentation, Jennifer, founder of Your Book Is Your Hook, LLC, will show you how to master the art of determining what belongs in your marketing platform – and what doesn’t – before, during, and after your book has been published.

                Pitch sessions resume

4:00 Quick Break for all, Pitches end.

4:15 Final Remarks, Door Prizes, Raffle Tickets 

4:30 Clean up – All help welcome

5:00 LVW “Leaves the Building”

Bios and Preferred Genres of the Agents who will be coming:

Katharine Sands is a literary agent with the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency.

Sorche Fairbank from Fairbank Literary Representation

Carrie Howland from Howland Literary - is not able to be with us. There has been a death in her family.

Sheree Bykofsky from Sheree Bykofsky Associates

Rita Rosenkranz from Rosenkranz Literary Agency

Amy Thrall Flynn from Aevitas Creative Management

Check out what these presenters and agents have said about WMA:

"Thank you for having us… I was so impressed by the thoughtful questions everyone asked, and how friendly and welcome everyone was in general. It's a wonderful group and I am so excited to be a part of it now!"
Presenter Jo Knowles
author of See You at Harry’s (a DCF nominee), Pearl, Jumping off Swings, and Lessons from a Dead Girl
"Thank you so much for having me… I was so impressed by the passion and dedication of your group, and I wish them all much success with their projects!"
Agent Maria Ribas
Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
"Everyone I spoke with really enjoyed the format of the pitch event, and said that it was more relaxed and less anxiety-inducing than many other conferences. I’d consider that a HUGE success…I would also like to reiterate just how wonderful the whole board and LVW volunteers have been, from our very first exchanges via email, to the dinner, and to the end of the conference and beyond. Everyone was so helpful and kind, and it infused the whole day with such a great energy. We could tell how passionate everyone was, and it was fantastic to see a community built on that level of support. Kimiko and I would both be delighted to join you again in 2016. Please pass along our most heartfelt thanks to all involved!"
Agent Kaylee Davis
Dee Mura Literary
"It was such a pleasure to attend the conference and meet the LVW community. From what I could see you did a fantastic job coordinating, leading, and generating big smiles from everyone there that day. We felt so welcomed beginning to end, thanks so much for making our first time with LVW such a great one. Looking forward to 2016."
Agent Kimiko Nakamura
Dee Mura Literary