- Quick Peek at our Newsletters: https://leagueofvermontwriters.org/league-lines.html
The League of Vermont Writers presented TWO EVENTS the last Weekend of July, 2024:
1st: There was a special two hour Masterclass, "Getting Ready, Getting Read, Getting Readers" by NY literary agent Katharine Sands on Thursday night at the Delta Hotel on July 25th.
This class led to the League of Vermont Writers main summer event, Writers Meet Agents, which also happened at the Delta Hotel. This conference was on Saturday, July 27. Six active, well known literary agents mett one-on-one with writers and heared pitches from attendees for books they are hoping to have published.
"Writers Meet Agents" was held at the Delta Hotel
This event was open to all, LVW members and non-members alike. The program included information for those who have book manuscripts ready to be seen, as well as for writers whose books are still in progress.
Agents who were on hand to hear one-on-one pitches :
- Katherine Sands, Sarah Jane Freymann Literary
- Sorche Fairbank. Fairbank Literary
- Sheree Bykofsky, Sheree Bykofsky Associates
- Rita Rosenkranz, Rita Rosenkranz Literary
- Amy Thrall Flynn, Aevitas Creative Management
- Also presenting: Writing-and-publishing consultant, Jennifer S. Wilkov, Your Book Is Your Hook!
Full information about these agents and the genres they represented is on our
Writers Meet Agents Page
Welcome to the League of Vermont Writers
The League is a friendly and down-to-earth community of writers—both emerging and seasoned—from all around the state and beyond.
Founded in 1929, it is the oldest writing organization in Vermont; membership offers an exciting opportunity to meet and collaborate with others who delight in the written word.
LVW is open to all who make writing a part of their lives. We offer support and encouragement, networking opportunities, craft, and professional development. We cover the nuts and bolts without being genre-specific. You don’t need to be published to join. LVW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
LVW's Mission is to:
- Help writers develop their skills through workshops;
- Increase communication between writers, agents, and publishers;
- Promote an enduring appreciation for the power of the word; and
- Provide venues for writers to gather, network and share their writing.
For Membership Details, Including Discounted Event Rates
- Click Here to go directly to our Membership Page
Our History
For a wonderful slide show of the history of LVW, CLICK HERE (temporarily under repair)
LVW Leadership
LVW is member-driven and guided by a 10-member, all volunteer board of directors which is voted on by the general membership at the annual January meeting.
Five directors serve as officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President. The other five serve as at-large directors. View descriptions of these these positions.
The League Board of Directors facilitates decision-making, initiatives, and forward movement that benefit the growth and sustainability of the organization as whole. It holds quarterly meetings, either in-person or via digital means. It conducts business via mail, phone and email correspondence. The board governs by the guidance of the organization’s bylaws.
At the annual January business meeting, members hear reports from the board of directors and various other committees regarding LVW’s progress towards achieving its mission, the status of the organization's financial situation, and goals for the coming year. The members elect officers and directors; and vote on other business items concerning the general membership.
Current Minutes can be found HERE