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Tag: Authors

How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier:  A Half-Day Retreat with Joni Cole

How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier: A Half-Day Retreat with Joni Cole

Feb 07, 2017
This half-day retreat with Joni Cole will help you cultivate a healthy and productive creative process that will serve you now, and for the rest of your writing life.
Attention All Writers — Join the Directory of Vermont Writing Resources

Attention All Writers — Join the Directory of Vermont Writing Resources

Feb 23, 2017
Cynthia Anderson, a senior at Champlain College, is compiling a Directory of Vermont Writing Resources as her final project. The directory will include writers, editors, publications, and more. She is looking for people who are interested in being included in this directory.
Join Us 4/29 for Spring Program: Springtime is the Write Time, the Words of Joni B. Cole, Julie McGrath, and Joseph Citro

Join Us 4/29 for Spring Program: Springtime is the Write Time, the Words of Joni B. Cole, Julie McGrath, and Joseph Citro

Apr 10, 2017
LVW announces its spring writing program, and would like to invite writers from all over the state, both published and pre-published, to attend. The program’s theme is Springtime is the Write Time: Inspirational Words to Open Your Mind, Create & Live By It is scheduled for 9:00AM to 3:00PM on April 29, 2017 at the Best Western, Waterbury (right off I-89)...
Pondering Ways to Publish

Pondering Ways to Publish

May 09, 2017
I recently completed my second novel and have been anxiously pondering how to publish it. After self-publishing my first book (The Flower Eater) in a burst of naive hopefulness, I've since learned how daunting the marketing process can be...
Write with Authority

Write with Authority

May 17, 2017
By Jeanette Segale I’m about to enter the world of writing words that others will read. As I transition into my new writing career, I’ve spent the past couple months revisiting how to write. I want to share with you the first assignment that struck home for me. It’s from the book authored by Fairfax & Moats in The Way To Write: “Look up these three words in a good dictionary and consider how their meanings interrelate: author, authority, authentic.“
Finding Your Writing Flow: Notebooks, Muses, and the Myth of Multi-Tasking

Finding Your Writing Flow: Notebooks, Muses, and the Myth of Multi-Tasking

May 24, 2017
By Michele Lemieux-Madison The best piece of writing advice I’ve ever read – although I’m now reading Joni B. Cole’s Good Naked, so that may change – came from The Writer Magazine in their November-December 2016 edition, titled Finding your Flow...
Writing is Easy. Publishing is Easier. Selling is Hard.

Writing is Easy. Publishing is Easier. Selling is Hard.

Jun 12, 2017
By Faithe Thomas and Annalisa Parent Being able to write does not mean your book is ready to publish. Even the best writers know that their work needs to go through various levels of editing, re-writing, and proofing - and not just by anyone, but by someone who knows what they are doing.
The Best Writers Conference You’ve Never Heard Of — PART 1

The Best Writers Conference You’ve Never Heard Of — PART 1

Jun 29, 2017
By Shannara Johnson “Saturated” might be the proper word for how it feels after you’ve attended the annual WIFYR conference in beautiful Sandy, Utah (pronounced Wee-fur, short for Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers). It’s not in the Writer’s Digest or the Guide to Literary Agents, which also lists all the major conferences in the US. Nobody I know—even the true conference addicts—has ever heard of WIFYR, though it is anything but new.
The Best Writers Conference You’ve Never Heard Of — PART 2

The Best Writers Conference You’ve Never Heard Of — PART 2

Jul 03, 2017
By Shannara Johnson A continuation from PART 1... Coming all the way from Vermont and having endured a grueling twelve-hour journey to get here. I opted for the full experience. It includes a daily morning workshop facilitated by a published author, agent, or editor—four hours every day, twenty hours a week, in small groups of ten to fourteen.
Publishing Four Books in 2017: Recap from INTO THE WORDS

Publishing Four Books in 2017: Recap from INTO THE WORDS

Aug 07, 2017
By Mark Pendergrast At “Into the Words,” I explained why and how I have four new books being published in 2017, despite calling myself “semi-retired” as a writer – meaning that I want to avoid having book deadlines for a while, work on my novel, smell flowers, travel, and so on...