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Tag: Writing Nonfiction

Travel Writing: How Wanderlust Fueled a Career

Travel Writing: How Wanderlust Fueled a Career

Mar 07, 2017
By Lisa Halvorsen Posted on the bulletin board in my office is the saying, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." It's a philosophy I live by, and as a travel writer have parleyed that sentiment into a fulfilling career...
Join Us 4/29 for Spring Program: Springtime is the Write Time, the Words of Joni B. Cole, Julie McGrath, and Joseph Citro

Join Us 4/29 for Spring Program: Springtime is the Write Time, the Words of Joni B. Cole, Julie McGrath, and Joseph Citro

Apr 10, 2017
LVW announces its spring writing program, and would like to invite writers from all over the state, both published and pre-published, to attend. The program’s theme is Springtime is the Write Time: Inspirational Words to Open Your Mind, Create & Live By It is scheduled for 9:00AM to 3:00PM on April 29, 2017 at the Best Western, Waterbury (right off I-89)...
Writing is Easy. Publishing is Easier. Selling is Hard.

Writing is Easy. Publishing is Easier. Selling is Hard.

Jun 12, 2017
By Faithe Thomas and Annalisa Parent Being able to write does not mean your book is ready to publish. Even the best writers know that their work needs to go through various levels of editing, re-writing, and proofing - and not just by anyone, but by someone who knows what they are doing.
Publishing Four Books in 2017: Recap from INTO THE WORDS

Publishing Four Books in 2017: Recap from INTO THE WORDS

Aug 07, 2017
By Mark Pendergrast At “Into the Words,” I explained why and how I have four new books being published in 2017, despite calling myself “semi-retired” as a writer – meaning that I want to avoid having book deadlines for a while, work on my novel, smell flowers, travel, and so on...
PRESS RELEASE: Fall Writing Program, Wicked Wording This Way Comes in Barre on 9/30

PRESS RELEASE: Fall Writing Program, Wicked Wording This Way Comes in Barre on 9/30

Sep 08, 2017
By Shawn Thomas Anderson BURLINGTON, VT, September 1, 2017 — Registration is open for the League of Vermont Writers annual fall program, Wicked Wording This Way Comes. This year’s gathering has a Halloween theme...
Considerations on a Pen Name (Part 2): My Personal Struggle to Choose My Own Name

Considerations on a Pen Name (Part 2): My Personal Struggle to Choose My Own Name

Apr 12, 2018
By A. Y. Berthiaume As I mentioned in my first post on this topic, I’m struggling to decide whether to write under my own name or to choose a pen name. Growing up all I wanted was to someday see my name across the covers of my own books...
On Writing and Alternate Paths to Publication

On Writing and Alternate Paths to Publication

Sep 14, 2018
By Stephen Russell Payne When I was in seventh grade, Gallway Kinnell visited my English class during which he spoke of his deep need to write, that it was something vital, a part of his core...
The Most Invaluable Benefit this Organization Offers is its Community and Network of Writers

The Most Invaluable Benefit this Organization Offers is its Community and Network of Writers

Sep 20, 2018
By A.Y. Berthiaume I joined the League of Vermont Writers in 2012. I was only a year removed from my MFA program. Though the act of writing happens in isolation, living the writing life does not. I mean it could, but it would be hard and boring and unfulfilling (in my opinion)...
Getting into Revising: 3 Methods that Begin with the Letter ‘C’

Getting into Revising: 3 Methods that Begin with the Letter ‘C’

Dec 05, 2018
By A. Y. Berthiaume I am more reviser than I am a writer, if there were a way to break down “writer” into these two camps. Like how some “plot” (brainstorm and outline their work) and others “pants” (make it up as they go), I would rather dig in with the content after it’s down on the page than stare at the blank page having to produce the very first draft. Give me the clay and tell me to mold, but please don’t make me make the clay first.
Rejection Letters: A Part of the Process to be Proud Of

Rejection Letters: A Part of the Process to be Proud Of

Feb 19, 2019
By A.Y. Berthiaume If you’ve decided to take on the writing life than there are certain things that come with the territory. Reading. (Every writer needs to also be reader.) Revising. (Every draft needs to go through revision.) Rejection. (Every final product is likely going to be rejected at some point along the way.) It’s rejection that I focus on here...